Saturday, 1 June 2019

Guns 'n' Stories: Bulletproof PS4 Review: Fun to be had and well crafted, but suffers from two glaringly bad flaws

Guns 'n' Stores: Bulletproof Ps4 Review

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Patch Version:  Guns 'n' Stories: Bulletproof

I'm started to realise a trend with PS4 VR titles.   The more they attempt to push the limits of the PSVR engine in the form of trying to emulate realism in the sense of graphics and textures, the more they fail, so far at least.

However, Guns 'n' Stories is exactly the sort of game which doesn't do that.  It understands the limitations and pitfalls of going down such a low-resolution road, and instead, opts for a more cartoony approach, keeping the textures simple and primary in colour, which is good thing, trust me.

Before I even set foot into this old west world however, I find myself inside a four-seater cinema with a big screen before me that introducers the two key characters.  A young boy and his grandpa.  Guns 'n' Stories, so far, living up to its name. What's more, I've even a tub of popcorn to munch down on, my right hand holding it, whilst the left I use to interact and pick some up.  Guns 'n' Stories, of course, requiring two move controllers in order to be played.

Moving your handful of popcorn to your mouth will even simulate the eating process with audio to match.


Monday, 1 April 2019

Creed: Rise to Glory PS4 Review: "A solid VR Boxing experience that will test your fitness."

Credd: Rise to Glory Ps4 Review

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Patch Version:  1.06

The last time I played a boxing game was on the Nintendo Wii, and that was a good ten or so years ago!  Things have changed a lot since then, including my fitness level, but with the technology that is VR, it’s not surprising that there’s a boxing game to experience in this new age of gaming.  What did surprise me though, is that it’s a Rocky inspired, or in this case Creed inspired game.

I wasn’t born when Rocky initially hit the cinemas back in the late 70’s, but I’ve been a fan of the franchise ever since I watched them and it remains something special for so many reasons that differ from person to person.  I think one aspect that we can all agree on is that the music in the films goes along way at making the experience immersive and emotional.

So when Creed: Rise to Glory boots-up on my PS4 and that giant white glove emerges out of the smoke accompanied with the theme tune that Rocky fans know and love, I'm immediately pumped and ready to see what this game has to offer.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Anthem PS4 Review: "Saved by its outstanding moment-to-moment gameplay but nearly everything else needs a lot of work."

Anthem: Ps4 Review

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Patch Version:  Anthem 1.04

I don’t think anyone can argue that Anthem’s release was a bit of mess.  The early access was on a build that had plenty of core issues that hurt it critically without a doubt, and even after the true release and day 1 patch, it still suffered from crippling issues that surely effected it commercially, even though it held the top spot on the UK charts for two consecutive weeks.   However, this does not abate the core problems still plaguing it as I write this.

It’s clear to me that the game was just not ready for release, and most likely was forced out the door by E.A. in order to make their end of year financial deadlines.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Anthem VIP Demo Build PS4 Thoughts: "Estimated 2775 bug fixes between Demo Build and the Day 1 patch."

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Patch Version:  Demo Build

It’s been stated that the Anthem demo build is based on a slice of the game at a particular point in December of 2018.   Given the usual wind down to Christmas that many gaming studios go through, if I had to make an educated assumption, the demo build would have been finalised at the end of the second week of that month, the third at the latest.

Now, based on my own past experience in the industry, a team of around 100-150 development staff can fix between 50-100 bugs a day on average when bug fixing fully kicks in, this, of course, being flexible depending on the severity of those issues, because not all of those bug fixes will be of the highest priority.

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Affected: The Manor PS4 Review: "A short, but worthwhile experience that will certainly scare you!"

Affected: The Manor Ps4 Review

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Patch Version: 1.01

I think to some degree, the majority of us enjoys feeling scared from time to time.  It reminds us after all that we’re alive, right.?  Saying this, I’m not the easiest person to be frightened by things, chalk it up to an adolescent inclination for watching every horror film I could get my hands on.

However, I’ll be honest, there are times when I’m playing computer games where even I’m a little tentative about travelling down a dark and foreboding hallway or opening that door to where I do not know.  Making it worse are when those games are first person compared to third; the action feeling more in your face.

Enter Affected: The Manor.  What could be more immersive than a first person horror in VR?!  But would this keep me on my toes?  Would it make my heart race and my hairs stand on end?  I was very game to find out.